Info |
Sommaire |
This document proposes a procedure for integrating SSO (Single Sign-On) for a third-party application using the OAuth 2.0 protocol
1 - Choose an OAuth2 authentication flow
The Édifice platform offers an OAuth2 server that supports the following flows (aka grant types):
Authorization Code :
Resource Owner Password :
Info |
The Authorization Code flow is the most commonly used. |
2 - Register the client application on the Édifice platform
Remarque |
If you are a publisher or operator of an application, request that Support Édifice registers your application. |
From the administration console of the Édifice platform, create an OAuth2 connector.
Fields to configure:
"Identifier" (clientId oAuth2)
"URL" (Service URL)
"Transmit session" (automatically configures the
scope)"Scope" (permissions for accessing user data in the external application)
"Authentication Mode" (use "code" for a web application and "password" for a mobile application)
“Code secret" (OAuth2 secret).
Information to provide to the client application publisher :
The URL for retrieving the temporary code : https://domaine.ent/auth/oauth2/code
The URL for retrieving the token : https://domaine.ent/auth/oauth2/token
The URL for retrieving user information : https://domaine.ent/auth/oauth2/userinfo
The clientId (field "Identifiant")
The secret (field "Code Secret")
The scope (field "Scope")
Information to retrieve from the client application publisher
Service URL (to enter in the "URL" field)
3 - To retrieve an OAuth2 access token for your client application
To retrieve a token, follow the procedure corresponding to the chosen grant type:
Authorization Code :
Resource Owner Passwword :
Authorization Code
1 : Retrieve the code to generate the
In a browser, enter the address:
2 - Retrieve the token
Remarque |
To authenticate the OAuth2 client using Basic authentication, you need to pass an authentication header that follows the following convention: "Authorization:Basic encode_base64(client_id:client_secret)". |
Upon successful authentication, the OAuth2 server of the organization (ENT) will transmit the access token
Resource Owner Passwword
1 - Retrieve the token
Upon success, the OAuth2 server of the ENT (Établissement Numérique de Travail) transmits the token.