Connector - OAuth 2.0 - SSO and API

Connector - OAuth 2.0 - SSO and API


  • Be familiar with the concepts of Single Sign-On (SSO) and, more specifically, OAuth2

  • Know the basics of HTTP protocols (query parameters, GET / POST, headers)

  • Know how to use an HTTP client such as cURL or an equivalent browser plugin


This document proposes a procedure for integrating SSO (Single Sign-On) for a third-party application using the OAuth 2.0 protocol

1 - Choose an OAuth2 authentication flow

The Édifice platform offers an OAuth2 server that supports the following flows (aka grant types):

The Authorization Code flow is the most commonly used.

2 - Register the client application on the Édifice platform

If you are a publisher or operator of an application, request that Support Édifice registers your application.

From the administration console of the Édifice platform, create an OAuth2 connector.

Fields to configure:

  • "Identifier" (clientId oAuth2)

  •  "URL" (Service URL)

  • "Transmit session" (automatically configures the userinfo scope)

  • "Scope" (permissions for accessing user data in the external application)

  • "Authentication Mode" (use "code" for a web application and "password" for a mobile application)

  • “Code secret" (OAuth2 secret).

Information to provide to the client application publisher :

Information to retrieve from the client application publisher

  • Service URL (to enter in the "URL" field)

3 - To retrieve an OAuth2 access token for your client application

To retrieve a token, follow the procedure corresponding to the chosen grant type:

Authorization Code

1 : Retrieve the code to generate the token 

In a browser, enter the address: 

  • If the user is not logged in, the Édifice platform redirects the browser to the login screen.

  • If the user is logged in, the Édifice platform redirects them to the service URL with the code as a parameter : 


2 - Retrieve the token

curl -i -X POST -H "Authorization:Basic ZmFxMnNjaWVuY2VzOmZhcTJzY2llbmNlcy1zZWNyZXQ=" -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Accept:application/json; charset=UTF-8" -d "grant_type=authorization_code&code=9ddf3256-7e5d-4708-a121-dfbe5f6dba75&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fduckduckgo.com" https://domaine.ent/auth/oauth2/token


Upon successful authentication, the OAuth2 server of the organization (ENT) will transmit the access token

Resource Owner Passwword

1 - Retrieve the token

Upon success, the OAuth2 server of the ENT (Établissement Numérique de Travail) transmits the token.

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