Connector - OAuth 2.0 - SSO and API
Be familiar with the concepts of Single Sign-On (SSO) and, more specifically, OAuth2
Know the basics of HTTP protocols (query parameters, GET / POST, headers)
Know how to use an HTTP client such as cURL or an equivalent browser plugin
This document proposes a procedure for integrating SSO (Single Sign-On) for a third-party application using the OAuth 2.0 protocol
1 - Choose an OAuth2 authentication flow
The Édifice platform offers an OAuth2 server that supports the following flows (aka grant types):
Authorization Code :
Resource Owner Password :
The Authorization Code flow is the most commonly used.
2 - Register the client application on the Édifice platform
If you are a publisher or operator of an application, request that Support Édifice registers your application.
From the administration console of the Édifice platform, create an OAuth2 connector.
Fields to configure:
"Identifier" (clientId oAuth2)
"URL" (Service URL)
"Transmit session" (automatically configures the
scope)"Scope" (permissions for accessing user data in the external application)
"Authentication Mode" (use "code" for a web application and "password" for a mobile application)
“Code secret" (OAuth2 secret).
Information to provide to the client application publisher :
The URL for retrieving the temporary code : https://domaine.ent/auth/oauth2/code
The URL for retrieving the token : https://domaine.ent/auth/oauth2/token
The URL for retrieving user information : https://domaine.ent/auth/oauth2/userinfo
The clientId (field "Identifiant")
The secret (field "Code Secret")
The scope (field "Scope")
Information to retrieve from the client application publisher
Service URL (to enter in the "URL" field)
3 - To retrieve an OAuth2 access token for your client application
To retrieve a token, follow the procedure corresponding to the chosen grant type:
Authorization Code :
Resource Owner Passwword :
Authorization Code
1 : Retrieve the code to generate the token
In a browser, enter the address:
https://domaine.ent/auth/oauth2/auth?response_type=code&state=blip&scope=userinfo&client_id=duck&redirect_uri= |
If the user is not logged in, the Édifice platform redirects the browser to the login screen.
If the user is logged in, the Édifice platform redirects them to the service URL with the code as a parameter : |
2 - Retrieve the token
curl -i -X POST -H "Authorization:Basic ZmFxMnNjaWVuY2VzOmZhcTJzY2llbmNlcy1zZWNyZXQ=" -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Accept:application/json; charset=UTF-8" -d "grant_type=authorization_code&code=9ddf3256-7e5d-4708-a121-dfbe5f6dba75&" https://domaine.ent/auth/oauth2/token |
Upon successful authentication, the OAuth2 server of the organization (ENT) will transmit the access token
Resource Owner Passwword
1 - Retrieve the token
Upon success, the OAuth2 server of the ENT (Établissement Numérique de Travail) transmits the token.